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Comment count is 14
Konversekid - 2008-03-29

I'll give it a four because of the hummingbird, but very likely a fake. I don't see why they would test them all. One of them probably called the cops.

RockBolt - 2008-03-29

http://www.boston.com/news/odd/articles/2008/03/28/cops_bust_high_ school_root_beer_kegger/

Konversekid - 2008-03-29

I guess cops just care more there compared to where I live.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-03-29

"It was a tremendous waste of time and manpower, but we still had a job to do, and our officers did it," Joling said. "If one kid had come there, even hadn't drank there, but had come there and had been drinking and had left and crashed and burned, then what would the sentiment be? Why didn't the police check everybody out?"

This is probably an extraordinarily rich county, which are always notorious for asshole cops that have nothing better to do, I have no trouble believing this is real.

Spoonybard - 2008-03-29

A bunch of high school kids set out with a mission: throw a party for the purpose of tricking the police into giving them Breathalyzer tests. They succeed. How does this make the cops assholes?

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-03-29

I hate everyone in this video: The cop, the kids, the cameraman, and especially the one guy that wouldn't quit yelling.

mouser - 2008-03-29

That looked like an awesome party.

citrusmirakel - 2008-03-29

I can't stay interested enough to be annoyed by these prickballs.

FABIO2 - 2008-03-29

It's like the first 20 minutes of Cloverdale.

MattG - 2008-03-29

Way more entertaining than the first 20 minutes of Cloverfield.

anotherdeadhero - 2008-03-29

Wouldn't really blame the cops, all those little kids could have been drunk off one hidden bottle of jack daniels.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-29

root beer keggar.


Mike Tyson?! - 2008-03-30

This proves my guess that non-drunks at a house party would be just as annoying and very punchable.

Thank you Internet!!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-30

Unentertaining prank ahoy.

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