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Comment count is 12
fermun - 2008-08-03

The wolf didn't actually take him down, just joined in the DOGPILE!

...I'm sorry.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-08-03

-2 for piss off worthy misleading headlines.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-03

Mascot shows commitment to role.

glasseye - 2008-08-03

Gee, another sports fan shows that he's a total douchebag, and the mascot follows suit.

What a surprise.

jangbones - 2008-08-03

report to the cafeteria for your weekly punching and glasses-breaking

glasseye - 2008-08-03

That's okay, I got all the bullies at my school expelled.

anotherdeadhero - 2008-08-03

akadgslghadsh! -2 for no live action wolf.

zatojones - 2008-08-03

that's why we have no hooliganism in the US. The mascot will kick your ass

Desidiosus - 2008-08-03

This would be five star material if the guy drop kicked the mascot before security got him.

RandomFerret - 2008-08-03


theSnake - 2008-08-03

A real wolf mascot would have been 5 stars.

Rosemilk - 2008-08-03

i absolutely loathe kc.

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