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Comment count is 13
Doctor Frederick Odd - 2008-09-08

Oh. I get it.

The kid is a mormon.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-08

The jarring animation is really irritating. My eye hurts.

revdrew - 2008-09-08

No wonder Combat Shock was such a fucked up film.

joelkazoo - 2011-03-31


Stars for you.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-08

Buddy seems to have an obsession with a cheap purple ring.

chumbucket - 2008-09-08

0:18 for the money shot

Xenocide - 2008-09-08

What I love is how the song feels the need to pause at the point where they get to the two moms. "That's right, kids, he has TWO MOMS. Not one, TWO. I'll just give you a second to take that in."

Jeff Fries - 2008-09-08

0:40-0:43 for the Fonzi shot

How lucky can one guy be?

Syd Midnight - 2008-09-10

Yeah, even a little kid would notice that they kinda drive that point home a little too hard. Unless having 2 moms is constantly vital to his adventures, why the hell even mention it more than once?

Kids notice shit like that.

zatojones - 2008-09-08

that's what I want from a children's cartoon: a theme song that very self consciously tries to BLOW MY MIND with lipstick lesbians

MrBuddy - 2008-09-08

I'd hate to be that kid. You come home, catch your parents engaged in hot mommy on mommy make-out, then what?. "Dude... she's your MOM! Must... keep... hand... above... waist...! Just don't think about your mom's soft warm lips gently carressing another woman's.... ARGH!!"

chumbucket - 2008-09-08

yeah easy way to ruin the magic of girl on girl porno forEVER

athodyd - 2008-09-14

Man, it's not like it's hard to animate a butch lesbian. Just take an existing character and add a crewcut and sensible shoes.

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