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Comment count is 10
gotterdamm - 2008-09-16

Watch the aging hipsters wish so badly that this guy become the next Daniel Johnston.

positively - 2008-09-16

Hey. They're music nerds, get it right. There is nothing hip about these guys.

SDAusmus - 2008-09-16

When you listen to Daniel Johnston, you can tell that hi music would probably be really good if it wasn't for his mental issues. There's solid melody and stuff under all the crazy. I get nothing like that from any of Jandek's noodling bullshit.

minimalist - 2008-09-16

I like a lot of outsider music, but gotterdamm is right. Jandek has always struck me as an Emperor's-New-Clothes phenomenon among self-important music dorks.

When you have to justify an artist by saying "he challenges your notion of what 'music' is, or what 'good' music is", or "he's not talentless!", that is a sign that you need to beat yourself to death with your towering stack of Wire backissues.

gotterdamm - 2008-09-16

Exactly. I'm all for discovering Outsider artists, but this was just a case of people attaching themselves to some mysterious guy, hoping they can latch on the to the next big thing in indie before everyone else in order to gain some street cred.

Sorry, this guy was not a genius. It's some self-absorbed kid recording his jam sessions.

Syd Midnight - 2008-09-17

Maybe it's less "The Emperors New Clothes" and more "The Aristocrats"? Maybe he's just the outsider-artist in-joke.

Like, Tom Waits is a huge fan.. "Oh yeah Jandek, you gotta hear this guy. I'd fight any man who didn't like Jandek. He's really got a.. you listen, you look inside and.. I'd fight'em. FIGHT'EM."

Syd Midnight - 2008-09-17

So I will abstain from voting because no matter what answer I give, it'll be wrong.

minimalist - 2008-09-17

Tom Waits is the only Jandek fan who has ever contributed anything of lasting value to the human race, so I consider him a statistical aberration, and his love for Jandek to be a charmingly harmless character flaw that in no way detracts from Waits' essential wonderfulness.

Syd Midnight - 2008-09-18

Waits can be a real jerk sometimes, when it is appropriate. That's fair.

Honest Abe - 2008-09-16

one star is not low enough for jandek. yet this is all i can do.

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