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Comment count is 7
Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-09-23

Jesus Christ. All this, and the bees are disappearing.

Tstyle - 2008-09-23


Paracelsus - 2008-09-23

But Capitalism needs no correction or regulation! The market fixes itself! We must trust the law of supply and demand! Odd how those things now start to sound like Soviet slogans.

baleen - 2008-09-23

I posted an interview with this guy on poe news and I was attacked because everyone thinks he's crazy and he works at the University of Kansas City. Also, he was Dennis Kucinich's economic adviser.

Hooker - 2008-09-23

Holy name dropping.

Camonk - 2008-09-23

We're a bit smarter and better looking than the scruffy, indolent crowd over at PoE News.

The Great Hippo - 2008-09-23

The creamy ironic nougat in the center of all this delicious depravity is that if we HAD privatized social security, this would probably have tanked it.

Let's get all those people who said we should do that and round them up. It should be easy, since they're probably the same people who want us to bail the speculative investors out.

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