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Comment count is 23
halon - 2008-10-02

It's like crysis!

FABIO2 - 2008-10-02

Audio isn't working. I cannot hear yakkity sax.

Terminal Button - 2008-10-03

immediately after reading this, i paused the video and started up yakety sax, then resumed watching - thank you very kindly for making this comment.

Valvados - 2008-10-02

Being from Kentucky myself, I honestly can say that this being from Laurel County does not surprise me. At all.

Mad Struggle - 2008-10-02

I saw this on the news, myself. From what they said, it had just been filled and was apparently leaking. Guy leans over to see what's going on with it, some static electricity discharges and well, this is what you get.

Heyheymastequila - 2008-10-02

hey buttnutt learn to spell

kiint - 2008-10-02

what do you espect after it asploded?

sonichronique - 2008-10-02

Some splainin.

buttnutt - 2008-10-02

There you happy? Asshole.

DMKA - 2008-10-02

We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-10-02


mouser - 2008-10-02

... Arrwww....

Hon, hand me a kleenex will ya?

Ursa_minor - 2008-10-02

this propane tank is stupid like senator palin and our governing body in alaska, well, you know its...a comlicated issue for the congress - and listen, I know - i uh, i have, i talk to the people a lot and i've been hearing the same things about job creation and national security with, with, putin and...osama, listen, bin laden poses threats every-every day and it's congresses duty to stand behind our nation and - its, its the people, the uh, citizens of this god blessed country of the united states of america to stand behind our, uh, troops and the congress - so yes, I stand for - i uh, stand for the constitution and i think the choice lies - as, as not only as a governor, which I am, but, but as a mother and I think I have the, the, the, the, the ability to lead as vice presi*BOOM*

robotkarateman - 2008-10-02

Long way to go for a very little joke.

Ursa_minor - 2008-10-02

i dont even think is was a joke, just kinda did it.

Noober - 2008-10-02

eat shit

TeflonDoc - 2008-10-02

Porkchop sandwiches!

Hooker - 2008-10-02

I'm glad he took the time to properly park his vehicle before he waddled for his life.

Xenocide - 2008-10-03

Hank Hill wept.

Cube - 2008-10-03

That's no way to treat a propane storage unit, I tell you what.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-10-03

I like explosions because they deny the critic his right to analyse, and to deconstruct. It's a fucking explosion, WOOOOOOOOOO!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-10-03



The Mothership - 2015-09-28

Needs BLEVE tag.

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