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Comment count is 34
Albuquerque Halsey - 2008-10-03

Palin is nothing but a Text-parser from an Infocon game.

VoilaIntruder - 2008-10-03


>I'm sorry, I can't find FIX ECONOMY in this room. Try rephrasing your command.

glasseye - 2008-10-03


Caminante Nocturno - 2010-07-19

>look up

asian hick - 2008-10-03

Really, this summarizes the debate perfectly.

Biden's not perfect, but the contrast here between his genuine response and Palin's vapid "maverick" bullshit is the defining moment of the debate for me.

ProfessorChaos - 2008-10-03

Biden was prepared.
Palin was rehearsed.

Rudy - 2008-10-03


Desidiosus - 2008-10-03

If the clip had gone a little longer you'd have seen the approval numbers drop like a rock once Palin got going.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-03

Palin wasn't rehearsed for that moment. So she read her cue cards about something unrelated instead of responding like a human being. And yet for some reason pundits are claiming there were "no gaffes".

Good on Joe for taking on the suggestion that because Palin's a woman, she understands family and raising kids better. One of those candidates was fighting sexism, and it wasn't the one who is treating the Presidency like a beauty pageant.

almo - 2008-10-03

what a pussy

Cena_mark - 2008-10-03

He tries so hard at sounding down to earth, yet he's pandering to the very people he hates and looks down upon for votes.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-03

...what? He hates parents?

longwinded - 2008-10-03

Cena is too hard to be made sad by the death of family members

You HAVE to be my favorite troll, ever.

Desidiosus - 2008-10-03

almo sucks at it, though.

Ursa_minor - 2008-10-03

Yeahm almo's approach is just like "turdbutt. *one star*" - but cene_mark puts some effort into it.

minimalist - 2008-10-03

Biden panders to the "people beset by terrible personal tragedy" vote

fractured - 2008-10-03

almo is a jock/bro/future-wal-mart-shopper.

It's okay, almo, you can cry... Really. There's no problem at all.

almo - 2008-10-03

i've achieved poetv notoriety!

thank you for taking the bait, membership!

Cleaner82 - 2008-10-03

Are we notorious now just because we say so? Okay!!! I'm notorious too!

OxygenThief - 2008-10-03

Don't flatter yourself, Mary. You have to be quite spectacularly idiotic to last more than a few weeks in the memory of a regular poe lurker. Why you would even want that, I have no idea.

Sure, you're dumb, but the bar has been set so high.

Xenocide - 2008-10-04

Alamo's greatest ambition in life has been realized: some guys on a website talked to him.

StanleyPain - 2008-10-03

I love that few seconds that seem like an eternity where you can see Palin sort of panic and shuffle her index cards for something to possibly say. It's such a short, short, fleeting moment but so powerful.

simon666 - 2008-10-03

and you can see the little graph just fall as she starts speaking. good stuff.

takewithfood - 2008-10-03

I think the viewers are actually instructed to return their little boxes to neutral between candidates; they actually responded pretty well to the start of Palin's response - though throughout the debate the consistently plummeted every time she uttered the word "maverick".

I think it's interesting how the women registered a dip when Biden started to choke up, as though they were momentarily confused, but as soon as they realized what was going on, the bar lept back up to nearly the maximum. It's like someone graphed an "awwwww".

gambol - 2008-10-03

I like that little real-time reaction graph at the bottom.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-03

all I heard was "I make fuck loads of cash working in the senate!"

Ursa_minor - 2008-10-03

best get your ears checked

lordpotato - 2008-10-03

Lost points with me for pulling this shit.

fractured - 2008-10-03

Yeah. It's like people today think they can avoid denying human emotions...

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-03

He's probably done this as a tactic before. But in this context its appropriate as Palin suggested the difference betwee then was was her "Being a mom, one very concerned about a son in the war, about a special needs child, about kids heading off to college, how are we going to pay those tuition bills?"

You don't get to pull that shit with Biden. It'd be like suggesting to McCain he's never known sacrificed for his country. For once the cliche is justified.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-03

*between them was

I blame the crack rock.

sosage - 2008-10-03

This and the "Joe" fake accent moment were the two parts that stood out the most for me. I actually felt for him and where he was going in that moment, but then the "wait...this may be bullshit" reaction collided with those feelings. I'm conditioned to think nothing anyone says in politics is genuine...but I want to believe this was. It's a weird conflict.

The only thing that came off like complete bullshit during this episode was Palin's follow up. I mean...fuck...the guy just slam dunked the fucking ball in your face and your reaction is to turn around and suck McCain's dick? This goes without saying, but I want to say it anyways: this chick is fucking pathetic.

RomancingTrain - 2008-10-04

I won't believe that a man would use the death of his wife and daughter to score cheap political favor.

kennydra - 2008-10-09

Sarah Palin is a fucking asshole. How can she sit there and listen to a decent man's genuinely sad story and then just turn around and smile at the camera spewing MAVERICKMAVERICKMAVERICK? She didn't even fucking acknowledge anything he said.

It's sad that I'm not actually surprised by this.

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