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Comment count is 92
Desidiosus - 2008-10-10

About fucking time McCain said something about this. He may yet come out of this with some miniscule amount of dignity.

baumer - 2008-10-10

That ship has sailed. He's spent the last three months dangling raw meat outside of their caves; there's no putting them back at this point.

KnowFuture - 2008-10-10

Does a man who would choose Sarah Palin for a running mate have the concept of dignity on his menu at all?

waxeater - 2008-10-10


heyitslozeau - 2008-10-10

my exact thoughts.

petep - 2008-10-11

oh hey, mine too.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2008-10-10

But... He's an ARAB! D:

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-10


futurebot - 2008-10-10

I love how that's supposed to be a counterpoint.

Patterns for Success - 2008-10-10

Yeah, that in itself is fucked-up.

Also the unsurprising spectacle of someone obviously not being able to differentiate between "Arab", "Moslem", etc.


Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-10

or "Arab" and "Terrorist" even

Secret Messiah - 2008-10-10

Those goddamn Arabs! THEY'RE ALL TERRISTS

I'm saddened that people from my state act like this. (Minnesota BTW)

Cleaner82 - 2008-10-10

For me it brings back a little of that 9/11 ghost. Not a good time to have a big goofy middle east nose.

frau_eva - 2008-10-10

The mussed, crazy-woman hair on her just makes the "Ay-rab" confusion more fitting.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-10

The McCain story is the modern Greek tragedy.

HE KNOWS. He is smart and moderate enough to know the difference between right and wrong. He has taken unpopular political positions for the good of the country in the past.

But he is running a campaign that runs contrary to his ethics. He wanted to pick Lieberman and rebuild the Republican Party in a moderate fashion, but caved when in sight of the goal. He caved to Falwell after denouncing him, and hired the same Bush strategists who ran push-polls about his "illegitimate black daughter".

The man withstood Vietnamese torture chambers, and caved to the campaign he ran based on withstanding that torture. If that doesn't top Odysseus and Agamemnon, I don't now what does.

baleen - 2008-10-10

Yeah, there really is a tragic element to this election. I think future scholars will have a field day studying him. He does not have the character or the compassion to deal with the amount of racist poison he awoke in his followers, and it's clearly surprising him.

jangbones - 2008-10-10

I also have sympathy for McCain. However, much more than that, I fear what this particular demographic is capable of.

There has always been radical, violent, bigoted and predjudiced people in the world. Frequently, those people easily fall under the sway of demogogues, making them even more angry, more violent, and more out of touch with reality.

But in America in 2008, there are just so many of them.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-10

just think, McCain is sleeping right now.


GravidWithHate - 2008-10-10

If we're talking tragedy McCain reminds me of MacBeth actually.

Both were war heroes, both had evil wives, both succumbed to the temptation of power promised them by misshapen, corrupt servants of darkness.

Is it to much to hope for that the last debate will be a duel with swords, both parties wearing armor and talking in iambic pentameter?

Konversekid - 2008-10-10

Sadly I think the battle already occurred when he tried running to the Clinton supporters, using Palin, and ultimately left himself vulnerable.

rroach - 2008-10-11

Five stars for Greek tragedy.

kingarthur - 2008-10-11

Spot on.

What frightens me about this election is that we have SO MUCH of America that can't make it over the baby-step sized hurdle of racism and bigotry in order to think rationally. For the past 8 years, these insane bastards have been pandered to and look what's happened.

What's good about this video is that it seems like McCain is trying to break it to the crazies that, "Hey, I'm not winning this election."

cognitivedissonance - 2008-10-11

I think he's more Richard III than Oedipus. He seems to be deliberately villianous and sneering, all the while feigning humility and being obsequious to his party betters. He never had any intention of winning and has already pinned Palin as his escape hatch.

keinsignal - 2008-10-11

Whereas I would say he reminds me of King Lear being misused and ultimately destroyed by the people he put all his trust in. No doubt someday we'll hear how he cruelly mistreated Bridget even as she tried to set him back on the right course.

No wait actually he reminds me of Titus Andronicus murdering his patron's wife's sons and feeding them to her in a pie. And then getting stabbed and strangled to death. Yeah, that's the one.

dr_rock - 2008-10-11

You realize that the whole McCain / Macbeth comparison was just on the Colbert Report earlier this week, right?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-10

The people who say these things break absolutely none of the stereotypes you would associate with them.

Bored - 2008-10-10


I think this is bordering on a grotesquerie

baleen - 2008-10-10

Man, I almost feel sorry for how much this guy stabbed himself.
You can almost hear the gears working, "Fuck. What am I doing with these people. What have I done."

Spit Spingola - 2008-10-10

Glad this happened. The McCain rallies were getting very scary.

Keefu - 2008-10-10

Are they even his rallies anymore?

All of the news articles I've read so far where the hateful racist people of the party always seen to stem from whenever Palin makes a speech or her general presence. She's taken the spotlight of the entire media focus of his campaign. Even the goddamn "McCain/Palin 2008" banner ad I'm seeing at the top of this page features her face and her face only, it's scary.

Patterns for Success - 2008-10-10

Yeah, really, WTF is up with that ad?!!

Helena Handbasket - 2008-10-10

Palin for president!!!!

Helena Handbasket - 2008-10-10

Also. I keep seeing Jetblue ads for fare to Orlando...

Keefu - 2008-10-10

For future reference:

http://img363.imageshack.us/my.php?image=palinmccainadverths9. png

Xenocide - 2008-10-11

I'm actually getting a McCain ad that shows McCain without Palin. It also asks me to give him fifty bucks to "invest in victory."

cognitivedissonance - 2008-10-11

Funny, I have a Jones soda ad.

dr_rock - 2008-10-11

Funny, I see no ads.

sosage - 2008-10-10

Five stars for, "Aiiiym Sccurrred of Obama blub blub blub."


phalsebob - 2008-10-11

They have daughters. Obama's black. The President has keys to everyone's house.

They did the math and they are afraid.

kingarthur - 2008-10-11

It's going to be my personal mission to fuck all these promise-ring wearing, chastity-belt having, young Republican sorority girl racist spend-daddy's-money bitches back to the stone age. Seriously. It's gonna be lobotomies performed with my penis.

Aunt - 2008-10-11

Racism = terrible. Sexist rape jokes = HILARIOUS. It does not make sense to me why it's not okay for people to be racist but it is plenty okay to be really violently sexist. Can you explain to me how this makes sense to you, King Arthur?

sheikurbouti - 2008-10-10

A lot of you are being way too generous - This has been his M.O. throughout his political career. He consistently runs around setting fires and then sanctimoniously wags his finger at the flames he's just fanned - it's part of the whole Maverick-schtick. I don't detect one ounce of sincerity in his new-found respect for Obama.

Desidiosus - 2008-10-10

I think the main point is that usually it takes months or years for him to show any hint of contrition. That makes this somewhat unusual.

baleen - 2008-10-10

Of course there's no respect for Obama, that's not what we were talking about. It's about the things he's done to motivate his base, out of sheer ambition, created something way more than he has the temperament or drive to handle. This is a man who has routinely embraced immigrants and condemned religious zealotry from the Right, and here he is trying to court these same kinds of vitriol that have always been just under the surface of white culture, waiting for someone like Obama to shake it loose.

NoCode - 2008-10-10

Yeah. I feel a bit sorry for him. You're right - there is an element of big-time tragedy here.

Kingofthehobos - 2008-10-10

Who's idea was it to let Racist Grandma on stage?

TeenerTot - 2008-10-10

He (especially through Palin) deliberately stirred up the fucktards!
Reap the whirlwind, McCain...Reap it!

kingarthur - 2008-10-11

Yes! More cowbell!

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-10-10

I can envision the poor guy taking a brief respite from his senior campaign staffers alone in the back of the Straight Talk Express, hunched over in a /facepalm posture struggling with the inner turmoil from whoring himself out to these people for their votes, which, after this, he probably won't get.

Udderdude - 2008-10-10

At the last minute .. "Just kidding, it really is about the issues! Let's just forget all that mudslinging!". Nice try. Not working.

13.5 - 2008-10-10

I know! Aren't they still pushing the "Who is the real Barack Obama?" angle?

A: "He's a decent family man citizen?"

It's like the campaign's memes and narratives are just so many plates to be kept aloft on poles.

DMKA - 2008-10-10

Wow, I hate this country right about now.

Pookles - 2008-10-10

I am so confused by this. Is this the McCain from 2000? How conscious is he of what he has done? It is comforting to me to know that he has this decency.

Meerkat - 2008-10-10

He does have a tendency to do something shitty, get caught, then apologize and do the same damn thing five minutes later.

He's like a five year old. "I won't hit Susie again, I promise! Can I have dessert now?" THWACK

The Townleybomb - 2008-10-10

Looks like he's decided to lose with at least a little bit of dignity left.

Of course, I assume that they pick the questioners out beforehand, so this was most likely stage-managed. Good job on that-- crazy-haired Obama Grandmama is exactly what I picture McCain voters as.

mouser - 2008-10-11

You actually assume he's loosing and somehow elections wont be rigged like the last two in favor of the war mongers/profiters of this world, somehow hoping that some last-minute catastrophe wont surface just at the right time?

Camonk - 2008-10-10

I don't feel sorry for him because he's a stupid asshole. All you guys saying oh he's better than that: bullshit. If he knew better, if he thought it was wrong, he wouldn't have fucking done it. So fuck him. I'm glad he's getting hanged by his own stupid, brazenly divisive tactics. It's what deserves, especially since the same thing was done to him and he SHOULD have known better. There are not these two or three or a billion separate McCains or whatever you desperate, whinging, hand-wringing twats want--or if there are, none of them is a good, decent guy. They're all sanctimonious, hypocritical assholes. McCain from 2000 just hid it better because he was in the spotlight less. I'm so looking forward to closing the book on his sordid, nasty, self-serving career in politics.

And luckily we're closing the same book on Palin now. Can you imagine if Rove and company had dug her up after she had time to get smart? To be able to hit the ground running? Then she would've been really scary. Oh well. Fuck you assholes, I'm glad you're going to lose. You deserve it.

Flux - 2008-10-11

You might want to be less quick to pass judgement on the decisions people make when it comes to stakes that are orders of magnitude outside of your experience.

Also, no amount of time is going to make Palin not dumb. The woman is 43 years old. If you are a fucking idiot at the age of **43** that's it, that's your intellectual lot in life, the end.

Camonk - 2008-10-11

I'm sorry, but tons of people manage to run for public office, including the office of president, without selling out every ounce of morality they have or claim to have. Yes, the run for president is dirty. But this is not a new McCain, and people are acting like it is, like he's been dragged along all unwilling by Rove. It's not true. He never would have done this if everyone hadn't started calling him on it. If it had been working, he never would have tried to rein these people in.

And by Palin getting smart I guess I meant Palin getting better at talking to people. As Reagan and Bush showed, you don't have to be smart to be dangerous. And I think after a few years of grooming, Palin could've been dangerous.

kiint - 2008-10-10

damn but he really is a doddering old idiot...

well I guess its true, there's no fool like an old fool

Flux - 2008-10-11

My take on McCain continues to be that he's a man who wants to do the right thing, but doesn't want to hard enough to actually do it when the going gets tough, but does want to hard enough to feel shitty about it when he drops the ball. Over. And. Over. Again. I sincerely hope he is going to lose this election and am happy that that looks likely but I do hope he's able to make peace with himself in his closing years (which are about now, I guess, actually) in spite of all that he has to regret.

Also, re: the possibility of this whole exchange being set up/stage managed - quite possibly! There is a strikingly similar scenario in the late DFW's essay on his 2000 campaign, and DFW also questions whether the supposedly spontaneous candor he's seeing was carefully staged, and if so, to what extent it may be sincere anyway.

chairsforcheap - 2008-10-11

wow this just made me super sad... and i don't care if everything esplodes anymores.....

petep - 2008-10-11


Xenocide - 2008-10-11

McCain clearly does not like Obama. In fact I think he rather loathes the guy. But the difference is that he dislikes him for reasons beyond his name and skin color. Now he's confronted with a group of people who have a rabid, mob-like hatred of the man and who happily embrace any ridiculous myth that shows up in their email so they don't have to admit that the real reason he scares them is because he's black, he's different, and he's winning.

That's why McCain gets booed when he tries to dispel these myths. If they accept the reality that Obama isn't a secret Muslim terrorist or whatever, then they're left with the question "then why do we hate him so much?" And they don't want to have to ask themselves that question, because they already know what the answer will be.

Along with MacBeth, McCain reminds me of every arrogant misguided scientist in popular fiction. "It's okay! I know the creature's dangerous, but I can control it! It understands me! It trusts me! You're perfectly sa-OH GOD HE'S EATING HER!"

Cleaner82 - 2008-10-11

"Do not be afraid, creature! I am your FATHER! You will do as I say, DO YOU HEAR?!"

Patterns for Success - 2008-10-11

The last pargraph of Xenocide's analysis is pretty astute, I'm thinking...

kingarthur - 2008-10-11

Spot on, Xeno.

phalsebob - 2008-10-11

Well, if it's scripted, he is one hell of an actor. He seems genuinely repelled Mrs. Crazycoif, and I don't think showing a disgust of his base will help him. He might sway some moderates by showing disdain from the kentucky fried retards, but Palin goes ahead and does the opposite. Do they think that Palin will grab one demographic, and McCain will nab the other, and neither side will notice? Or is this some brilliant tactic that is escaping me?

Udderdude - 2008-10-11

The brilliant tactic: Both sides are retarded.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-10-11

Jesus tittyfucking Christ.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-10-11

Also I get the feeling that in that split second he wanted to stop any possible assassination attempts because he's pretty much painted Obama as the biggest terrorist ever and he is aware that Obama could very well win. His supporters would not be so gung ho to scream kill Obama if it weren't for his direct and completely inappropriate association tactics.

Stopheles - 2008-10-11

Even if the question and his response are scripted, the booing crowd certainly isn't.

Joey The Cobra - 2008-10-11

They're like a bunch of children at a pantomine booing the villain.

Rodney - 2008-10-11

Oh no! Those Commie Gay A-rabs have brainwashed McCain.

TeenerTot - 2008-10-11

If we're lucky, none of them will leave the safety of their barbed-wire-in-the-woods compounds to vote.

RockBolt - 2008-10-11

This is your base McCain, great huh?

Hooper_X - 2008-10-11

This borders on the Nixonian in its levels of in-fucking-sane.

Gojira1000 - 2008-10-11

This is a perfect piece of campaigning on McCain's part. If you don't think this was done specifically to get the "hey, look, there's some dignity left in him" vote - the "gee, I used to like McCain" factor - you're going to be on the short bus with Palin.

kingarthur - 2008-10-11

At this point, dignity and McCain are no longer on speaking terms. You'd have to be an idiot to fall for that. Oh wait, this is AMERICA.

Honest Abe - 2008-10-11

really really hoping one of these rallies turn result in him finally giving up and going "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. HAVE YOU NO DECENCY. ARE YOU GODDAMNED RETARDED."

if it were anyone but mccain, it would have a much worse chance of happening

sven - 2008-10-11

He should have winked and said THANKS BUT NO THANKS.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-12

I hate to admit this, but this is pretty damn sad. Its looking pretty damn bad for McCain, which means its looking bad for America. And while liberals can take solace moving to Canada or Europe when someone they hate takes office, there is no place more conservative than America that offers the same freedoms and rights. Looks like I might have to ride this one out.

Stog - 2008-10-12

Don't worry. Come 2010, we're gonna sell you guys as pets to the French.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-12

You can try, but my black friends won't let you do that.

Stog - 2008-10-12

Not if I bring some hoes and chicken.

Also possibly spinning rims.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-12

Okay now you sir are a racist. How is it blacks exclusively love hoes and chickens. I love that shit too. And they won't take your little bribe.

Stog - 2008-10-12

What if I threw in some Chamillionaire CDs?

Maybe Jibbs? I heard black people like Jibbs.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-12

I am a rapper, a producer, and a bassist. They will not give me up. My contributions to hip hop will be great.

Stog - 2008-10-12

They'll be very impressed by a man dressed as a dog who can play bass.

The French will love you! You will be a treasure.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-10-24

Damn, Stog, why you gotta inflict them on France?

MongoMcMichael - 2009-09-09

Five for this alone. Come for the crazy, stay for the 'man dressed as a dog' line!

Stopheles - 2008-11-16

I just checked back in on this thread and found out that Cena_Mark is a rapper? I'd LOVE to battle him, even on Youtube!

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