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Comment count is 20
AgentOrange - 2008-10-25


AgentOrange - 2008-10-25


baleen - 2008-10-25

just kidding
who cares.
this is old, and funny.

buttnutt - 2008-10-25

Wow Cena_Mark has been right all along. I take back everything negative I've ever said about him and am joining the Republican party tomorrow.

DMKA - 2008-10-25

Yao Ming disagrees.

tamago - 2008-10-25

It's adorable watching the Republicans flail at this point. I should have given an extra pity star, but it slipped my mind. Oh well.

OxygenThief - 2008-10-25

I'm Jin the prefecture chief executive.

uekibachi - 2008-10-25

um. not racist.

kamlem - 2008-10-25


fluffy - 2008-10-25

Gets a bonus star because Obama is funny.

Cleaner82 - 2008-10-25

The character of Cena_Mark gets one star, as does all his mental excrement.

glasseye - 2008-10-25


a flaming monkey - 2008-10-25

I played in a Malaysian student league a couple of years ago. They were all under 5'10'', they all drove expensive cars, they all listened to very loud rap music, they all went to the gym and drank protein shakes religiously.
It was not a fun league, but I did feel tall.
....How's that for generalization? huh? huh?

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-25

'Generally, people of Asian descent aren't as tall'

That damn cross-burning, Reich-saluting hatemonger!

dueserpenti - 2008-10-25

Which seven geniuses decided this needed to be here?

Robin Kestrel - 2008-10-25

That is the most hateful thing I have ever heard or can imagine. Did you hear the scorn he put into the word "generally"? My god, it was positively dripping with venom.

What do we really KNOW about this man?!?!?!?

Cena_mark - 2008-10-26

I want to see a 1 on 1 basketball game between Yao Ming and Obama. That'll shut his racist yap.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-26

POETV you're all a bunch of hypocrites. If McCain said that shit, then you'd all be having conniptions.
Plus here's a video that was "racist" the same way this is, and you acknowledge its racism.

Stog - 2008-10-26

I am racist against that Hitler in Wolfenstein 3-D. He is a pussy little blocky bitch with a gay mustache.

Robin Kestrel - 2008-10-26

One is an offensive caricature incorporating all the worst stereotypes about a group of people for the purpose of inciting a negative reaction from the public.

The other is a 6' 1.5" tall man of African-American ancestry making a statement of fact that the *generally* smaller size of his opponents of Asian descent gave him an advantage in being able to "post up" in the game of basketball. This is correct from both a statistical standpoint and by the definition of "posting up", and does not denigrate the character or skills of Asians in any way whatsoever.

You are unable to see a distinction between the two. This is how your mind works. This is your reality. That is fascinating to me.

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