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Comment count is 10
kiint - 2008-11-01

i'm inserting my giant witticism here

baleen - 2008-11-01

...Freud and Jung did not see eye to eye on the meaning of the Mithraic mysteries. And their disagreement over the tauroctony is a telling sign of dominance of Mithraism over psychoanalysis in Jung's own personal symbolic system. In a letter sent in June 1910, a month after Jung's first public lecture on the psychological interpretation of mythological and Mithraic material, Freud offered Jung his interpretation of the bull slaying: It was "the killing of the animal ego by the human ego, as the mythological projection of repression, in which the sublimated part of the human being (the conscious ego) sacrifices (regretfully) its vigorous drives."

Jung disagreed. Instead, he told Freud, "there must be something very typical in the fact that the central symbol of fecundity, the useful and generally accepted (not censored) alter ego of Mithras (the bull) is slain by another sexual symbol. The self-sacrifice is voluntary and involuntary at once (the same conflict as in the death of Christ)."

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-11-01

This is like something the Simpsons writers would come up with, to showcase something impossibly satirical.

Only it's real. UHH...

jangbones - 2008-11-01

pay...attention...to me....mommy.....

Timothy A. Bear - 2008-11-01

enter Cindy Jacobs

The Townleybomb - 2008-11-01

Very dissappointed to find out that this was not the churchy folks from a couple of days ago. Art school kids, when will you ever learn that nothing you can do will be as interesting as real crazy people?

BOOSH - 2008-11-01

Yeah, but i though it was a nice contrast.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-11-01

Is this a protest, performance art or a flash mob?

baleen - 2008-11-01

It's Halloween.

socialist_hentai - 2008-11-01

needs RATM playing in the background

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