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Comment count is 23
Camonk - 2008-11-12

So a fairly attractive woman gets an OED and explains shit on YouTube while showing pictures of herself in bikinis and low tops. What an age to be alive!

Spike Jonez - 2008-11-12

I'm hot for words now.

baleen - 2008-11-12

I think she's Russian. I think sexual etymology is a pretty brilliant idea. I remember watching a few of this lady's videos but I couldn't concentrate on her or the etymology. It was like they were competing with one another. So the net result was zero.

buttnutt - 2008-11-12

Part of it is her accent's incomprehensible

futurebot - 2008-11-12

Clearly Slavic, Swedish sounds nothing like that. I would guess either Russian or Uzbeki.

futurebot - 2008-11-12

Ah ha! Her website says she's from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, right near Uzkebistan. I am awesome.

1394 - 2008-11-12

The AK-47 one in Russian is fap-tastic.

wtf japan - 2008-11-12

Her facial structure is also Slavic...

zatojones - 2008-11-13

More accurately her facial structure is "quickly aging Russian". Russian women often times start off super hot but they go from awesome to babushka in like a year.

baleen - 2008-11-13

Novgorod, the world's first genuine democracy!

futurebot - 2008-11-15

Can we please all stop bringing up that "Slavs age ugly" piece of trivia every time a hot Russian appears, we've all seen the same Daily Show and Onion bits about it and frankly it's not only false but vaguely racist, why would Slavs age any better or worse than anyone else.

Chancho - 2008-11-12

Video does not deliver

robotkarateman - 2008-11-12

Agreed. Given all the airbrushed and CG'ed superwomen on the internet, even that stupid girl on YouTube with the green tanktop who does all her videos in the MySpace angle and a kissy fish face, this woman just doesn't measure up as "hot".

But stars for huge fucking crab legs.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-11-12

This is what I masturbate to.

BornAgainCannibal - 2008-11-12

I shall also eke one out.

halon - 2008-11-12

Camwhores out of my internet

Comrade Admiral - 2008-11-13

historical linguistcs is awesome, she is cute, and you are wrong.

halon - 2008-11-13


(she isn't here)

Comrade Admiral - 2008-11-13

well shit, I guess I don't have a date to internet prom then.

unless you want to go with me! I mean, you were never my first choice, but don't feel too bad about that.

yoyo1 - 2008-11-12

Is that supposed to be glamorous or something?

King of Balls - 2008-11-12

Two stars for the above-mentioned crab legs. Zero stars for the gimmick. Criminy.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-11-13

Attractive Russian girl who knows how to research? Yes please.

Freeman Gordon - 2008-11-14

How the fuck did this garbage end up here? SHAME ON YOU!

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