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Desc:The commercial broadcast in Australia explaining why they had to dump the pound and shilling.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Educational
Tags:Australia, currency, shillings, pounds, dollar
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Comment count is 6
Knuckles - 2008-12-01

I was going to submit this a while back but I forgot. I'm glad it's here now, even though that fucking song is stuck in my head again.

kamlem - 2008-12-01

What a beautiful piece of Australian history, back in the days when we apparently knew long multiplication well enough for it to be featured in a national federal advertisement...

Thanks for this Baleen :P

rapsnacks - 2008-12-01

So wait, they had their 50s in the 60s? Also what kind of broke-ass Australian accents are those?

KnowFuture - 2008-12-02

Jesus...not even animation can make this not be boring.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2008-12-02

All five of these stars are for the fact that a coin features a platypus and the word spiny anteater is worked in without a hitch. That's beyond rad.

Rape Van Winkle - 2011-02-15

This is no dollar bill advertisement. This is an advertisement for decimalized currency.


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