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Comment count is 32
Desidiosus - 2008-12-14

Wait, he's taking questions from YouTube yahoos but not from the erudite viewers of poeTV?

I am offended. What a goober.

fluffy - 2008-12-14

He's done plenty of videos specifically for us already.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-12-14

attention whore tag is needed.

does anyone care about this person? Besides keefu, rudy and baleen? Those are the only people that submit this emos youtubes to poetv

simon666 - 2008-12-14

I liked being mentioned in the video where he cut his wrist.

Keefu - 2008-12-14

i am enamored with this creature

KnowFuture - 2008-12-14

and baleen only cares because it's hard not to care about yourself.

Keefu - 2008-12-14

I really don't think this is baleen

Keefu - 2008-12-14

I don't know how many people knew this but Cena_Mark posted on POE proper back in 2006, with the same mannerisms and everything:



futurebot - 2008-12-14

Frank, you seem awfully threatened. I for one love this guy.

Keefu - 2008-12-14

He also has a neoseeker account where he made a bunch of posts about wrestling:



This really a long and drawn out troll. With an insane amount of attention to detail. That or there is the possibility that cena_mark is a real person, the reality of which could honestly crack my young and fragile mind.

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-15

Hey Rizzo, still hate black people? Cool. Go rage on the scraper bike some more you short-dicked bigot.

chumbucket - 2008-12-14

do rag douche

Stog - 2008-12-14


oogaBooga - 2008-12-14

So, what.. you're trying out for kiss?

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-12-14

lol @ 4 subscribers

Dr. Venkman - 2008-12-14

question cena_mark! whats with the make up? i get the nwo wolfpac shirt, as your a wrestling fan, but why the make up? is this some sort of way of mocking black metal kids, or are you a fan of that shit? just curious.

buttnutt - 2008-12-14

He's in black face to be edgy.

Dr. Venkman - 2008-12-14

wait thats suppose to be blackface? seriously!?...wow...for attempted edgy racism, thats a really shitty blackface make up job, really couldnt tell that was blackface. hell ted danson had better blackface get up on than he does.

Hooper_X - 2008-12-14

...oh my god he's real

i thought he was just baleen or stog or someone fucking around.

oh my god.

Keefu - 2008-12-14

Did you miss these:



Frank Rizzo - 2008-12-14

sad, isnt it?

Hooper_X - 2008-12-15

yes. they must have been posted when i was out of town or something.

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-15

I am rubber and you are boring. Next.

Cena_mark - 2008-12-15

Actually by my reasoning you are boring.

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-12-16


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-12-15

Cena_mark = rubber. Got it.

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-12-16

The only piece of rubber a man should stick on his cock if they're planning on having intercourse an animal

Cena_mark - 2008-12-15

Those are fine comments, but what I really want are questions.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-12-15

Ok, I have one.

Why do you wear face paint? Is it some sort of "raaaargh modern warrior" warpaint thing or is it worn out of fear of retaliation for your incendiary remarks.

Oh and one more, by asking a legitimate question did I just add myself to the "Cena_Mark is really poster X" list?

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-12-16

I have on also, and I want the TRUTH:

If I wanted to mail you something, what house number, street, apt number (?), city, state, and zip should I write on the package?

blood_visions - 2008-12-17

why won't you go away? Just like ya know, quit it?

Keefu - 2009-03-24

buzz off kid

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