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Comment count is 15
Aelric - 2009-03-05

That is one ridiculously NSFW site.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-03-05

listening to someone FUCKING MASTURBATE isnt sfw.


wtf japan - 2009-03-05

Actually all audio is sfw, but the T&A in the banners, as well as the fact that this is a PORN SITE make this a textbook no-no.

gambol - 2009-03-05

This link is incredibly NSFW

wtf japan - 2009-03-05

Some of the funniest audio ever recorded, but that site is the epitome of NSFW.

Smellvin - 2009-03-05

There's another video on his encyclopediadramatica page of him sexing up an anime doll. I shut it off as soon as I realized what it was. If you want to avoid feeling suicidal, I'd recommend that you skip that video as well.

zatojones - 2009-03-05

does this kid do anything without a web cam on?

klingerbgoode - 2009-03-05

sorry about that.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-03-05

Who clicks on this? Is there really anyone who saw this and went "Ooh yeah! Audio of Chris-Chan masturbating! Gotta hear that!"

Johnny Madhouse - 2009-03-05

People have some pretty fucking weird priorities in life.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-03-05

I draw a line between wastoids like Desmonius and VenomFangX, who make me feel better about my life, and the wastoids from 4chan, who make me want to escape any world they live in.

Smellvin - 2009-03-05

Well, I clicked it because I wanted to hear the delightful awkwardness once his father came in. Unfortunately, after the fact, I have to agree with both of you.

godot - 2009-03-05

May I suggest that the hopper '+' votes on this are just maybe duplicate accounts.

klingerbgoode - 2009-03-05

might you be quite wrong indeed, friend.

TeenerTot - 2009-03-05

How did this get through the hopper?

NSFW site, folks.

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