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Comment count is 14
SolRo - 2009-03-11

for cena, for "LOL" and many other reasons

Cena_mark - 2009-03-11

Certainly not the best video I've submitted, but I still felt like submitting it. I'd give it a 3.
You shouldn't down vote a video just because you don't like the the guy who submitted it. That's not fair to the video.

P.S. Can't we get along despite our political differences. I'm sure there are plenty of things we can agree upon outside of politics.

Gojira1000 - 2009-03-12

1 for the dupe, an extra 2 for a far better troll. Cena_Mark is coming back :)

dancingshadow - 2009-03-11

semi-dupe: http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=36022
extra star for Bas.

buttnutt - 2009-03-11

Stile Project still exists?

Hooker - 2009-03-11

That's what I was wondering as well.

simon666 - 2009-03-11

I won't hate on you yet cena, as you are trying to be a productive member of poeTV. Try again.

charmlessman - 2009-03-11

That just made my fucking day.


Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-03-11

-1 star for annoying announcers. Shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the clip.

vissarion - 2009-03-11

What the hell is that mumbling?

RockBolt - 2009-03-11

Not the first one of these I've seen

chairsforcheap - 2009-03-11

one of those guys is baas rutten, the dutch guy from that awesome "how to win a bar fight" video.

just fyi

James Woods - 2009-03-12

It looks like player one and player two selected the same character. -1 for shitty alternate costume.

TheDevil'sWhore - 2009-03-15

That's not the UFC. That's LFC and they suck!

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