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Comment count is 13
Iakchos - 2009-03-17

Now that's evil.

boner - 2009-03-17


Wonko the Sane - 2009-03-17

I hope your history teacher deducted points for being off on his death by 10 years

MongoMcMichael - 2009-03-17

Whatever. He got an 'A' on it.

allcaps - 2009-03-17

He got an A for calling Stalin a genius, crediting him with the formulation of the 5-year plans, credulously swallowing statistics of success produced by the Soviets during the Purge, and ending with the weakest kind of fence-sitting analysis possible.

This video says far more about the teacher than the student.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-03-18

I guess he couldn't find something that rhymes with that, or "Siberian gulag".

theSnake - 2009-03-17

"Our teacher told us to put it on Youtube"

Alright which one of you is this kids History teacher

baleen - 2009-03-17

You know this poor fucking kid was the only one who did any of the work and he's stuck with carrying it out. Future House speaker.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-03-17

Kid has got no flow.

detc - 2009-03-17

I dunno, his beats were pretty fresh.

athodyd - 2009-03-17

Madlib is watching this and thinking "Fucker beat me to it!"

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-03-17

Good thing this report was verbal, because apparently his grammar and research aren't nearly as phat as his rhymes.

Nominal - 2022-02-28

Now he won't flunk history and is free to start his rock band that will end up saving the future!

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