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Comment count is 19
dr_rock - 2009-03-31

Needs a reboot.

Michael Houser - 2009-03-31

I knew a gent that could only say 'hey.' And no he wasn't in Fear, you jerks.
(Honest. Nice guy.)

dr_rock - 2009-03-31

I actually knew a guy who could only say "dubba! dubba!" but he was deaf and retarded.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-03-31

fucking weird as shit.

Robert DeNegro - 2009-03-31

Tono tono TONO!!! (tono tono tono, tono tono.)

5 TONO!!!

Adham Nu'man - 2009-03-31


Xiphias - 2009-03-31

I don't want to have a stroke

athodyd - 2009-03-31

The worst part definitely being that as an aphasic you wouldn't even tono tono tono tono tono tono tono tono tono.

kennydra - 2009-03-31

hahahah, the pokemon tag.

Blaise - 2009-03-31

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

La Loco - 2009-03-31

It's heart warming videos like this that make me believe there's a god and he loves us.

ponpoko - 2009-03-31

He intonates remarkably well

Urburos - 2009-03-31

I learn new horrible things about the world here every day.

lucienpsinger - 2009-03-31

It was a fiver anyway, but Pokemon tono tono.

Cube - 2009-04-01

The way drugs mess your brain up has nothing on strokes.

GlennFinito - 2009-04-03


BlackSun1942 - 2009-04-28

Tonotonotonotono. Tonotonotonotonotono.


Pillager - 2010-01-10

Tono IS better than Fuck...

sparklefatty - 2010-04-25

I once knew a lady who could only say, "Bip bip bip bip..."

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