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Comment count is 11
splatterbabble - 2009-04-27

I watched this at work with no audio and I am STILL amazed!

chumbucket - 2009-04-27

I smell a sequel idea for Over The Top...bring back Lincoln Hawk!

zatojones - 2009-04-27

German robot arms are far less creepy than Japanese ones but probably a lot more deadly

anvill - 2009-04-27

The weight lifting arm's gonna beat up the writing arm and take its lunch money.

Lurchi - 2009-04-27

Wasn't this a Bjork video?

TeenerTot - 2009-04-27

One arm attempts to sign the horror of sentience, while the other more directly scrawls "HELP" in child-like script.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-06-02

Sometimes a really great comment spans time and space.

futurebot - 2009-04-27

Watching the writing arm really makes you appreciate the flexibility of your own wrists. I doubt that hand could JO

rastarat - 2009-05-04

Google Ad below video.

7-Axis Humanoid Robot Arm
Low-cost powerful robot arms for home, research, and industry.

JO is the only home use I can think of.

Keefu - 2009-04-27

Mmmm, so strong!

CharlemagneJackson - 2009-04-28

Not shown: the 50 previous models that can only do the Nazi salute.

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