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Comment count is 10
dr_rock - 2009-05-29

Needs a "Simpleton" tag

rapsnacks - 2009-05-29

Simpleton and sorcery were both unused so I did the only logical thing.

Urburos - 2009-05-29

I let out the exact same giggle once I realized what was going on.

MrBuddy - 2009-05-29

Isn't that the same giggle from Deliverance? Had to watch it twice before I realized what was going on.

Athetosis - 2009-05-29

Much to my horror and bewilderment, I did the same.

Athetosis - 2009-05-29

Damnit, that was a reply to Urburos.

baleen - 2009-05-29

That's some wonderful physics stuff right there. And magic.

Sammy Barnathan - 2009-05-29

Ooh, self-filing paper. Clever.

Cube - 2009-05-29

I enjoy systems that do an unnecessary or even a counterproductive task in a complicated or otherwise spectacular way.

Like the "Machines That Allmost Fall Over" -thingie.

Walker - 2009-05-29

5 stars just for "Print a paper". Sounds like something my mom would say.

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