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Comment count is 14
cognitivedissonance - 2009-05-28

I wonder if this is how Brutus and Cassius felt when they realized killing Caesar wasn't going to change the rate of societal decline into absolute decadence.

mon666ster - 2009-05-28


mashedtater - 2009-05-28

i got it, and i rofled

Hooper_X - 2009-05-28

I strongly suggest adding a "manscaping" tag.

mashedtater - 2009-05-28


Persephone S. Tight - 2009-05-28


theSnake - 2009-05-29

Lets just tag these I SHAVE MY DICK BRO and be done with it.

boner - 2009-05-28

Pro tip: don't shave the fucking thing BALD unless you want to be scratching your itchy balls for a week.

Pillager - 2009-05-29

It stops itching once you've done it a few months.

Desidiosus - 2009-05-28

But what happens to all the pubic lice? You just made them homeless! :(

yogarfield - 2015-03-21

Shave the left one first, and wait for them to all migrate to the right. Then set your remaining pubes on fire and start stabbing them with a knife.

Sodomite - 2009-05-28

Since when did Gilette get bought out by a bunch of fags?

themilkshark - 2010-07-29

Puberty sucked. Let's reverse the effects!

fluffy - 2011-03-21

oh THAT'S what the moisturizing lotion is for

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