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Comment count is 14
Redlof - 2009-06-26

Five stars and no I will not apologize for it.

Charles - 2010-01-13

No, no.

You're right.

Comeuppance - 2009-06-26


freedoom - 2009-06-26

if the second part didn't melt my speakers i would have 5ed this.

fluffy - 2009-06-26

I was wearing headphones :(

Dib - 2009-06-26

Thanks for the warning, I was too.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-06-26


pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-06-26

Also, Doug wasn't a great show, but this episode was pretty good.

poopskin - 2009-06-26

fuck.PLEASE warn about shit that's that loud in the description. Some of us are at work and have earbuds on. Then again it's my own own fault for willfully clicking on something where the preload image is from Doug.

fluffy - 2009-06-27

I'm pretty sure this was all part of the anon fucktard's plan.

Emcee - 2009-06-26

I like how everyone my age is getting all nostalgic for Doug now and not realizing what an awful show it was.

La Loco - 2009-06-27


Charles - 2010-01-13

This is the only one of these videos that I've ever enjoyed. PERFECT!

Big Muddy - 2010-09-11

This is delicious!

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