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Comment count is 8
simon666 - 2009-07-13

I'm almost willing to give this submission 5 stars for the "∀" in G∀LMET alone. Also, my metal senses inform me this definitely a Swedish melodic death metal variant and not just "death metal."

Metal nerdiness aside, has metal ever been so cute? Where are the kittens?

simon666 - 2009-07-13

Also: \m/

VoilaIntruder - 2009-07-13

This video raises mixed feelings.

OxygenThief - 2009-07-14


ztc - 2009-07-14

This technically isn't death metal - they sound more like Heartwork-era Carcass - but I tagged it as such because of the vocals, because "Japanese girl metal band" just sounds lame, and because I am so fucking sick of trying to categorise all these dumbass metal subgenres.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-14

Japanese women have great freedom as compared to most Asiatic countries and this is not just a phase of Westernization. Just to clear things up.

phalsebob - 2009-07-14

Of course it is, you silly poo.

Syd Midnight - 2009-07-16

I'd buy the album. They probably sound awesome when properly mixed.

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