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Comment count is 8
kingarthur - 2009-07-23

He kinda takes it in stride. I was expecting a double-take or something. Instead, he's all like "...yep. That's a cock." And goes on with his day.

HankFinch - 2009-07-23

I was thinking he doesn't even notice it

kingarthur - 2009-07-23

On second viewing, I believe that I was clearly giving too much credit to the description. I don't think he saw it.

takewithfood - 2009-07-23

Doesn't look like he even saw it. Still, giant inflatable dink.

infinite zest - 2009-07-23

Check it out, I resubmitted another one that has slo mo and is hi definition. THIS FUCKIN DEBATE AIN'T OVER!

infinite zest - 2009-07-23

eh who cares

Riskbreaker - 2009-07-23

So.....what's an inflatable dong doing there?

tamago - 2009-07-24

Why do I suspect 4Chan?

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