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Comment count is 18
theSnake - 2009-07-24

All good, but the ending is award winning.

Bebido - 2009-07-24

Type 2 is no laughing matter.

voodoo_pork - 2009-07-24

Needs a "mini cunt-isode" tag.

Chizmurder - 2009-07-24

Agreed and updated.

TeflonDoc - 2009-07-24

"Hatchet Wounds" hee hee hee!

spencer - 2009-07-24

That was 5-star funny all the way.

Scurrie - 2009-07-24


Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-24

1:12 to 1:19 made me really uncomfortable

fatatty - 2009-07-24

Don't worry that girl isn't laughing at you for once.

chumbucket - 2009-07-24

all stars for the yo mommas

cognitivedissonance - 2009-07-24

One time Patton Oswalt screamed at me because I specifically asked for a photo with Brian Posehn WITHOUT a photo of Patton Oswalt in it.

dementomstie - 2009-07-24

I'd say that it needs something about "NSFW language" but then I realized that it's Patton Oswalt and Brian Posehn and if you know their comedy at all you already know to only watch this at home. Or you have possibly the best workplace ever.

HankFinch - 2009-07-26

But that's the whole purpose of a warning, you're telling people who don't know something. If they knew already why are you telling them?

charmlessman - 2009-07-24

Always 5 for that crew. I've seen the three of them live (Not the Yo Mama guy though), and it was FASNTASTIC!!

Menudo con queso - 2009-07-24

Sudden, unexplained materialization of a black dude at the 6 minute mark? Wahappen?

Konversekid - 2009-07-24

More Anti-humour.

nocash - 2009-07-24

Comedians of Comedy!


Maria Bamford with a sticker on her head!

Xiphias - 2009-07-27

dr octopus

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