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Comment count is 10
baleen - 2009-09-09

He also made all those G.I. Joe PSAs from way back.

hornung - 2009-09-09

back when his name was eric fensler?

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-09-10

No, actually, this is Doug Lussenhop, who is the editor and co-writer for "Tim & Eric, Awesome Show: Great Job!"

Eric Fensler is a friend of Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim and was a staff writer on "Awesome Show" for part of a season, but they are not the same person.

Glad to see his DJ Douggpound act getting some traction, though.

spikestoyiu - 2009-09-10

What're you, their biographers?

baleen - 2009-09-10

Thank you for correction.
I will spitroast terrible friend who is friend of Dougg Pound who told me these lies.

StanleyPain - 2009-09-09

He is also responsible for:

Camonk - 2009-09-09

This would probably be funnier if DJing weren't already basically a joke played on people who'll believe anything takes talent.

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2009-09-10

Fuck you..my skills pay the bills!

sinuendo - 2009-09-10

You ready for the remix?

Old_Zircon - 2010-09-20

-1 because I saw Ricky Powell DJ last year, and he was pretty much doing this except with a lot more subtlety. Plus he was only playing deep album cuts of 60s and 70s jazz.

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