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Comment count is 10
Dicknuts - 2009-10-17

I went to a concert that was set up in a city park. About 20 feet back from the stage, right in the middle of the crowd, was a water spigot. They had put up a little fence around it, but it did not take long before the thing had been broken off and a constant water jet turned the whole place into a swamp. Then people started throwing it. The lead singer of Slayer told everybody to 'grow up', but they didn't stop their set. I came home caked in mud and my parents hosed me off.


simon666 - 2009-10-17

To paraphrase: "I live with my parents and listen to Slayer." =]

Dicknuts - 2009-10-17

That was the summer of 2000. I drove my mom's Cadillac to that show.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-17

Did anybody play at Lollapalooza that was better than Pavement? The answer is no.

kingarthur - 2009-10-17

1995? You be the judge.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lollapalooza_lineups_by_y ear#1995

I'd say they had some equals: Poster Children and The Pharcyde for sure.

Rosencrantz - 2009-10-17

So, why was playing at Lollapalooza so credibility compromising?

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-17

A whole set of "There's Nothing Wrong With Love" tunes would have been bottled joy.

So they were cool with Sonic Youth, Built to Spill, and Blonde Redhead, but Pavement didn't fit in? Weird.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-17

At one point my school got Vanilla Ice to play an outdoor show. This was early 2000s, not exactly the height of his fame. I guess it was ironic or whatever but really it was a shitty show and I'm sure they paid him a lot of money that could have gone to a decent act.

Anyway he was like 2 hours late or something but all the gear was set up and before he got on the drums were just repeatedly nailed with beer bottles and the drummer had to just stand in front of them. I remember thinking "well, that's what you get."

Also: http://www.ticketmaster.com/Pavement-tickets/artist/750321

The Townleybomb - 2009-10-17

I would think that pelting Vanilla Ice's shit with bottles would be well worth the money.

baleen - 2009-10-17

Did your school win the can recycling contest that Vanilla Ice ['s agents] had where if you recycled the most cans he would play at your school? That would be amazing.

There was one guy in my middle school that tried to get that thing going and everyone just laughed at him.

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