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Comment count is 3
Walt Henderson - 2009-11-09

I don't have time to watch this right now, but I'll definitely be back later. Link Wray is easily one of my favorite musicians, and might even squeak into the top five if I'm in the right mood.

Stopheles - 2009-11-09

The only time I got to see Link Wray live, it ended up being a total downer - he was apparently approached before the show by a guy who claimed to be his son, and it made Wray really nervous and mad to be onstage. If I recall correctly, a(nother?) son of his was his drummer, and between songs Link ranted about how "ain't no way you'll get a dime outta me, you or your whore mother. Only sons I got is playing onstage with me right now!"

That, and the fact that he played sloppy even by Link Wray standards (and was really clearly not into the performance) made for a drag.

Old_Zircon - 2009-11-09

That's too bad, the one time i saw him was amazing. Some guy asked to play a song with him as an encore and he ended up doing an entire hour long set with the guy. Longest encore I've seen. Pickup backing band were completely unremarkable, but that was no surprise.

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