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Comment count is 12
themilkshark - 2009-11-11

Gimme that fucking Barbie toothpaste... Have a soda instead.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-11-11

I can't even get much perverse pleasure from this inane garbage.

Hay Belly - 2009-11-11

Did they steal that beginning from You Don't Know Jack? I'm having flashbacks to that game now.I will never forget that Malawi is an English speaking country.

fermun - 2009-11-11

This is how genetics work!

mouser - 2009-11-11

They actually put fluoride in the water in Montreal.

magnesium - 2009-11-11

I wonder if the people who are so worked up about the fluoride in their toothpaste know about all the formaldehyde, chalk, and seaweed that go into it...

La Loco - 2009-11-11

Children under the age of four swallow more than they spit.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-11-11

So's your mom

La Loco - 2009-11-11

If that's true that would make me and my mom alike.

Walt Henderson - 2009-11-11

You stole my comment.

Paracelsus - 2009-11-12

Really the stars are for 'fuck this gay earth'.

Rev. Blackson Pollock - 2009-11-13

I was hoping for some argument about or denial of toxic toothpaste. You let me down.

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