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Comment count is 19
Smellvin - 2009-11-11

I'd like to point out that he mistakenly refers to her as "Katie" at the end.

memedumpster - 2009-11-11

Somewhere Katie Couric's vagina just crawled away and hid, its little glowing eye peering out fearfully from the darkness as it shivers.

Also, no tears. He cries like Glen Beck, televangelists, and my niece when she was six. Unless the encoding wiped them out.

Bindar_Dundat - 2009-11-11

Pretards have feelings too.

facek - 2009-11-11

He's getting better at faking crying.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-11-11

Well, here it finally is the grand finale.

Rovin - 2009-11-11

Don't bet on it, he hasn't adapted it to Sonichu comics yet.

themilkshark - 2009-11-11

I'm not autistic (at least I don't think I am) but this guy sure reminds me of how I reacted to the opposite sex 12 years ago on America Online. As I have said before, I'm eternally grateful webcams and Youtube did not exist at that point, I kind of like pretending that I never had an extremely pathetic phase.

Nikon - 2009-11-11

Hey Chris-chan,

how many times has it been now? Do you see a common pattern in all of these events?

lucienpsinger - 2009-11-15


victorm - 2009-11-11

Internet Famouse

dead_cat - 2009-11-11

I don't know why not, he's such a catch.

MaulLove - 2009-11-11

I think he's really crying, as he isn't good enough at mimicking human expressions to get the chin quiver down.

The phone conversation with Kacy's dad is comedy gold. Her "dad" berates him non-stop for over two hours, and his defense shows how full of himself he is (Chris compares having a dog die to losing a parent).

The call that shortly precedes this video is well worth listening too as well; Bob and Snorlax make cameos:

Sudan no1 - 2009-11-11

eww, you're one of them.

Doctor Arcane - 2009-11-11

I dunno, I've had a lot of dogs and a lot of parents and sometimes it's a close call.

Nikon - 2009-11-12

That was some tough love from the trolls.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-11-12

Damn, I did not just waste my evening listening to this xD

Riskbreaker - 2009-11-11

He'll be fine in a couple of days, he will fall in love with another troll in a month, and the cycle stars all over again.

dead_cat - 2009-11-12

Of course he'll "fall in love" again. The poor fucker has too -- it's what he's built his life around, it's the only damn thing keeping him together.
If Chris would call a hiatus on his love-quest, just spend a month focusing on having fun, learning new, neat stuff, and looking after himself, he might just be better for having done so. But no, he's going to run himself ragged searching for that one Special (boyfriendless, white or asian) Someone whose attentions will magically give his sad little life meaning, simply by taking his parents' place (as far as monetary support, housing, and basic care go) and fucking him.

What Chris really wants is a fairly convincing female sex doll that is fully ambulatory and completely capable of looking after/babying him, and we're not going to have those for another 25 years.

bac - 2009-11-12

I thought I might have missed one.

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