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Comment count is 40
Jeff Fries - 2009-12-03

Finally someone takes the knives to Judd Apatow movies and it's these assholes

andybrownie - 2010-03-02

I uh....I liked those movies

positively - 2009-12-03

So the new spoof movie format is to take scenes from better comedies and make the humor way broader and more sophomoric?

Konversekid - 2009-12-04

Well it did kind of started with the "_______ Movie!" series. I stopped watching them when they tried to be satirical about comedies, and was justified in doing so when they stole jokes from the original movies and put them in their trailers.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-12-03

Just tell me what I need to do, and how many people I need to kill in order to stop movies like this from being made. Terrorism? Sure. Genocide? No problem. Baby rape? Those babies will grow up grateful to live in a world free from cultural and intellectual abortions like this.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2009-12-03

I already commit Terrorist Baby Rape Genocide, so I might as well get something a little extra out of it besides the normal feel good sensation.

I came to watch this thinking it really was a joke, part way through I was so disturbed I sat here with my cereal and milk dripping down my chin because I physically couldn't keep my jaw from dropping.

CharlesSmith - 2009-12-04

It's very easy. Don't watch them. Then, when an actually good comedy comes out that maybe you have to go to an art-house theater rather than the huge cineplex to see, go see it instead. There is so much good comedy out there it would blow your mind, it's just not profitable because people suck and love to eat shit. There is probably a sketch troupe in the nearest big city to you that would have you in tears but they'll never get their big break as long as it's more profitable to pay lazy hacks to write fart jokes.

Camonk - 2009-12-03

At first I was gonna make a joke about how people who are too stupid for Judd Apatow movies deserve to laugh, too.

Then I remembered that no one's too stupid to laugh at Judd Apatow movies.

StanleyPain - 2009-12-03

It's just a matter of time before "Spoof Movie!" which is a spoof of the spoofs when they finally collapse into a singularity of no ideas.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-12-03

The start of this movement was "Scary Movie" which parodied "Scream", which was itself a parody.

I'm starting to think "Ow, My Balls!" was too optimistic.

spikestoyiu - 2009-12-04

I'm gonna download a pirated copy of FinalDraft and write you an e-mail. We can do this.

That guy - 2010-04-05

5 for these. Holy crap.

bluiker - 2009-12-03

Huh huh they done that thing with the Dracula movie and then there was POOP!

The Townleybomb - 2009-12-03

Does this even count as a spoof? It's just a really bad remake.

BHWW - 2009-12-03

I'm all for mocking Apatow films but the "________ Movie" method is not what I'd prefer, at all.

Corporate God King - 2009-12-04

Cause I know the guy playing the fake Jonah.

tamago - 2009-12-04

So much is his soul going for these days?

Corporate God King - 2009-12-04

Actually he's worked as the stand-in for the real Jonah. He thinks it's an amazingly funny movie. No really...let's just say he's the ultimate embodiment of every fratboy cliche ever.

But a nice guy, other than that.

Riskbreaker - 2009-12-04

I watched part of "40 year old virgin" and ended up changing the chanel pretty fast.

Also, seems that these days anyone can make it into the movie industry, just make a spoof movie.

Eroticus E - 2009-12-04

I watched all of the 40 year old virgin, and thought it was really funny.

Jellyneck - 2009-12-04

I made a sandwich and it was delicious

Riskbreaker - 2009-12-04

My favorite part of the movie is when i changed the channel.

Eroticus E - 2009-12-04

What kind of sandwich was it?

infinite zest - 2009-12-04

if it was egg salad you probably shouldn't waste your time

Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-12-04

I keep pointing a remote at my sandwich and nothing happens.

mashedtater - 2009-12-05

you arent even remotely doing it right. you have to point it at the cat.

Camonk - 2010-04-29

Hey guys I hate a popular movie so I'm full of rebellious good taste!

oogaBooga - 2009-12-04

This cannot be real. This has to be a high production value youtube spoof.


Goofy Gorilla - 2009-12-04

These are-- these are the same jokes.

Chibisuke - 2009-12-04

No, see, that one guy changed his name to Mc Anal Lovin'.

punch drunk babies - 2009-12-04

I would rather my children grow up watching those Preved_ys vore videos than this.

fatatty - 2009-12-04

Just let them watch Naked Gun, thats all the spoofing they need. No one needs to ever watch vore.

Though being eaten alive may be preferable to this.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-12-04

Fuck you, Silver Nitrate.

JSP - 2009-12-04

Oh, I get it, he was inside the lady but then he does the thing where he goes "Can you hear me now?" like in those commercials on the TV.

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2009-12-04

I laughed when it ended

Hooper_X - 2009-12-04


Rudy - 2009-12-04

It didn't activate my gag reflex until it made the 5,000,000th "Can you hear me now?" joke at the end. I must be getting jaded.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-12-04

Who is going to pay for this?

mashedtater - 2009-12-05

we all will, ROUS.

a tiny chunk of our very souls will be payment on judgment day.

GravidWithHate - 2009-12-05

You know, when Bill Hicks described these people as demons set loose on earth to lower the standards for the perfect and holy children of god I thought he was over the top.

I'm beginning to reconsider.

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