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Comment count is 8
Raggamuffin - 2010-01-24


cognitivedissonance - 2010-01-24

Lidsville cameo gets 9 zillion billion jillion stars.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2010-01-24

I wish Jose hadn't been killed off on this show.

I also wish Fox had given Millennium just one more god-damned season instead of that crappy "four horsemen of the apocalypse as played by FBI zombies" episode of the X-Files.

dead_cat - 2010-01-24

I didn't find out that the Jose Chung character even showed up in Millennium until about three months ago. And then at the end of the episode he gets killed off.

Fuckers. They should have given him his own series. X-Files and Millennium's main characters always seemed too credulous, especially considering how ridiculous a lot of the shit going on really was. Having a show where the main character is a skeptic who runs into insane shit almost every time he turns around could have been a lot of fun.

love - 2010-01-24

CNR is an auto five, but the Jose chung stuff is especially great. Lance Henrikson's scene as a selfosophist is hilarious.

zatojones - 2010-01-24

This whole episode was awesome and way underrated? Scientology interference? No. Fox's typical neglect.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-01-25

Seconding that it sucks that his character was killed off. I never could get into Millennium but I liked this.

Nikon - 2011-10-09

I really miss this show. The first and second season were great.

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