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Comment count is 10
Scynne - 2010-05-11

Could have used a volume warning. Just saying.

Want to minus one star for that, but the amount of stupid going on here is absolutely unconscionable, so five.

BHWW - 2010-05-11

The early 90s comic boom was a dark time, wasn't it? Just a big ol' glut of two-bit outfits attempting to get their own two-bit superhero universes out there on the shelves, using every gimmick they could to drum up interest. A bajillion variant covers, chromium, holographic, holo-foil, all of it junk. Malibu Comics were no different.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-11

0:08 is the most hamfisted metaphor for puberty I have ever seen.

Also holy shit did American comics suck in the 90's.

SDAusmus - 2010-05-12

Malibu was just pissed that they lost out on all that Image Comics money.

garcet71283 - 2010-05-12

Rob Liefeld, the series.

That being said, I would probably watch the piss out of this if I had it on dvd.

themilkshark - 2010-05-12

Ghoul? Contrary?? THE FUCK??!!

Xenocide - 2010-05-12

Holy shit, Hardcase just threw his own logo at some guys. I want that power. To hell with business cards.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-12

Can someone make me an animated .GIF of that Prime transformation. I need some new beatoff material.

Rum Revenge - 2010-05-12

I shit you not, I have almost an entire set of trading cards (including very rare holographics) for this universe. It did not sell on eBay.

I remember Captain Marvel ripoff and Iron Man ripoff. Hardcase wasn't really a ripoff of anyone, but just a generic prettyboy hero. I think Ghoul was somewhere in there, too. The ladies, including the one what stole Prof. X's chair, are new to me.

That guy with the pumpkin head? Name's Lord Pumpkin.

I have to go shower my shame off now.

Camonk - 2010-05-13

Wait, all their bad guys are fucking Halloween monsters? That's horrible.

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