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Comment count is 10
IrishWhiskey - 2010-05-26

No wonder Sarah Palin endorsed him. Change the pitch and drop the 'g' from the end of the words, and that's a classic Palin answer. Knowledge is bad, Jingoism is good.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-26

I guess there's no right way to respond to someone calling out your comical ignorance.

augias - 2010-05-26

"GWhiz99 7 hours ago: WARD VAUGHN (R) could evoke WARD of the state after orchestrated dependency. Unrelated: the erstwhile high school chief CLIFton or NEW JERSEY politics, though Bill BRADley (D) was preceded in the U.S. Senate by CLIFford CASE (like charity CASE). Ambitious CORY A. BOOKER (D) is mayor of NEW JERSEY*s largest city, NEWARK, but shouldn*t be confused with CORY S. BAILEY (097-70-9997), who was born on Bill Clinton*s 25th birthday: AUG. 19, 1971 and uses the same skipping E bastardization of COReY"

Hello youtubes.

sliggy - 2010-05-27

Stars for the guy trying to point out that Puerto Rico is not an independent nation that just up and decided they want to be come a state.

kingarthur - 2010-05-27

Fived and favorited. I laughed so hard I peed myself.

Camonk - 2010-05-27

When the conservative audience at your debate laughs at you, you are too f'ing stupid.

memedumpster - 2010-05-27

That's a horrifying level of dumb right there.

pentheus - 2010-05-27

update. he lost:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/2 6/AR2010052605334.html

FYI, the man on the left is named Raul Labrador.

Raul Labrador.


chumbucket - 2010-05-27

when we need a prison island, that's where this subject becomes relevant

Anaxagoras - 2010-05-27

That douchebag didn't even miss a step when his comical ignorance was called out. I think that says a lot about the teaparty movement.

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