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Comment count is 12
SolRo - 2010-06-21

Wait, so NOT handling balls with your hands is gay?

I don't like soccer, but this is just a weak troll

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-06-21

The Onion always scores points for verisimilitude, but if soccer was gay it would be a whole lot awesomer.

Nithing - 2010-06-21

Weakest I've ever seen the Onion.

Camonk - 2010-06-21

And that's saying something.

Riskbreaker - 2010-06-21

Yeah, i mean, a sport where you have be always alert and active? What happened to good ol sports where you can sit and relax for minutes and minutes before anything actually happens?

Camonk - 2010-06-21

Don't forget ones that last four times as long as their actual time limits cause roided up idiots blow out their ankles every five seconds. Or because the ball was MAYBE one inch over the line. OR WAS IT let's watch forty dudes in gay striped shirts decide and also a hundred beer commercials

Jesus Americans get touchy during the World Cup, and it's the same three jokes every time.

chairsforcheap - 2010-06-21

totally agree with camonk

Mancakes - 2010-06-21

You seem...upset, but don't claim that football/soccer/dickball isn't without issue. The world cup this year has been fairly good this year about all the damn dives and substitutions EXCEPT for the South Africa game. Half the fucking game consisted of both teams rolling on the ground, covering their faces, and crying to the refs.

Mancakes - 2010-06-21

Pretend that's legible.

Riskbreaker - 2010-06-22

"Don't forget ones that last four times as long as their actual time limits."

Yeah, fucking baseball.

Charles - 2010-06-21

Some of you people are taking the Onion seriously. It's The Onion. And you're taking it seriously. Stop it.

azazel - 2010-06-22

And that's why this submission gets five.

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