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Comment count is 22
themilkshark - 2010-08-10

Morgan, blacks identify with their culture and want to maintain their own culture. Blacks like black comedians, black filmmakers, black musicians... There's nothing wrong with being black!

Enjoy - 2010-08-10

I'm just laughing at Mike Wallace's dodge ".... I'm Jewish!"

baleen - 2010-08-10

Yeah it's easy to say but race is too valuable as a means of getting shit done in everybody's respective bubbles whether they are aware of their race or not. Take enjoy here. He'll call the cops if there's a negro with hair that's a little off in his beautiful suburban Seattle neighborhood, and it makes sense, and he likes it that way.

Binro the Heretic - 2010-08-10


That what Mr. Freeman was talking about...not talking about it.

charmlessman - 2010-08-10

I'm pretty sure Bill Cosby said something similar, but I didn't agree with him.

Scynne - 2010-08-10

Because he's black, amirite?

sosage - 2010-08-10

Look...Charles is Jewish. GG! Conversation can move to a new topic now!

The Faghorn - 2010-08-10

Thanks a shitload, Hoke.

kennydra - 2010-08-10

This whole "color blindness" thing is a very immature way of thinking about race. No, Morgan, ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. When I was in elementary school I exclaimed "Hey, why don't we all just, you know, stop being racist!" thinking I was all master problem solver but in reality I was being very insensitive.

He's very angry in this clip, which i can totally understand seeing as he is constantly cast (by white filmmakers) in these prestigious roles which, in actuality, black americans rarely attain. Maybe he should talk about that, how people love to go to this fantasy land where blacks are all awesome and respected and shit, then pat themselves on the back for enjoying it. I dunno maybe they do talk about it in another part of the clip.

I have the privilege that comes with being white that allows me to occasionally forget about racism. I guess an old black guy who is fed up would say to "just stop talking about it". An open and constant dialogue is necessary, therapeutic, however.

Wander - 2010-08-10

I was going to give this 3 stars but I agree with this comment too much, even if it is obvious.

themilkshark - 2010-08-11


Anaxagoras - 2010-08-11

He wasn't saying "ignore race", you morons. He was saying that our current way of thinking about & categorizing race is itself part of the problem.

OhYouMeanNancy - 2010-08-10

I wish Freeman was my grandpa, but still... I think that the general recognition of his talent- especially in $$ terms- make it a little easier for him to say such things. He is currently a powerful Hollywood man. Middle class guys and lower, tho', it still ain't that simple.

wtf japan - 2010-08-10

I prefer Slavoj Zizeck's solution: tolerate racists, but treat them like they are mentally disabled. Offer to help them with simple tasks like buying groceries or dressing themselves. Spend some quality time with a racist, and participate in activities that you both can enjoy--like going to a baseball game or attending a country music concert. Try to understand what it's like to see the world from his or her unique perspective, and you'll soon find that there's no limit to what a racist can teach you.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-08-10

Unless they're Black, in which case racism is more or less justified.

That guy - 2012-06-07

Sir, to you I say "hurf".
And to you, sir, I say "durf".

positively - 2010-08-10

Actors are dumb.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-08-10

The way Morgan Freeman says "You want one?" made me believe like it was something he could make happen with a phone call and a whistle.

La Loco - 2010-08-10

Mike doesn't want a Jewish history month because it would expose their Zionist/NWO agenda. Look in the sky, read between the chemtrails!

freedoom - 2010-08-10

When the hell is someone going to let me in on the damn Jewish conspiracy? As someone who was born Jewish don't i deserve to be let in on it?

La Loco - 2010-08-11

Sounds like someone is a sleeper cell.

mon666ster - 2010-08-11

Well, as long as it's over now...

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