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Comment count is 9
Aelric - 2006-11-16

sometimes, i really hate this fucked up country. protesters and pigs alike

Stog - 2006-11-16

She's on the ground, dipshit, why did you tase her?

garcet71283 - 2006-11-16

Why tase em? cause its fun. Anyhow, we didn't see the events leading up to the video...

Gurlugon - 2006-11-16

We don't need to see what lead up to this, you fucking tard. SHE WAS ON THE GROUND.

Meatsack Jones - 2006-11-17

-2 stars for whiney "Why god why?" comments. If you watch, she's not cooperatiing at all. Tase away!

Spider Jerusalem - 2006-11-17

The "off the pigs" faction is kind of undermining the crowd's position.

BlancoBronco - 2006-11-29

That's what happens to women with opinions.

Caminante - 2007-01-07

That's what you get for not loving Jesus.

M-DEEM - 2007-02-05

All that whining. Outraged? Rip the fucking barbs out for her.

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