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Comment count is 14
Spoonybard - 2010-11-16

For some reason, it didn't show me other videos with the YTV tag when I submitted this. Though it is not strictly speaking a dupe, there is already an example of this segment on the site.

baleen - 2010-11-16

Those extreme eyeballs were all over the place in the 90's.

CharlesSmith - 2010-11-16

Hahaha. Snit. I remember the day they replaced their normal TV set with that thing. It was a day-long event.

This was what I watched every day when I got home from school all through elementary school. The dude with the ponytail used to be called "PJ Phresh Phil", but he gave the title "Phresh" to another, even lamer PJ.

urbanelf - 2010-11-16

90s giggly camera

James Woods - 2010-11-16

5 for my childhood.

James Woods - 2010-11-16

Oh, here they are.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-11-16

That thing is a horrible nightmare and there is no excuse for showing it to children!

muffinbutt - 2010-11-16

Did anyone ever see the one segment where Snit's arm flew off? And he didn't notice and was still chatting and flicking his arm stump, but PJ Phil was all WHOOAAA and then Snit paused and went my.. my... MY ARRRMMMMM and then the segment was over and it went back to commercial. When they came back on his arm was re-attached and in a sling.

craptacular - 2010-11-16

this is embarassing.

chumbucket - 2010-11-16


Gwago - 2010-11-16

Everybody has a mother, Phil.

themilkshark - 2010-11-16

That's ugly.

KillerGazebo - 2010-11-16

I recently saw vhs recording of a pokemon marathon that had been broadcast on ytv around this era. One segment of The Zone featured a touchy-feely guest there to talk about the release of Pokemon Snap. At one point he laughed and touched the host's thigh and PJ Phresh Phil looked like he was about ready to choke him to death.

The guest was missing by the next commercial segment. It was fantastic, but I doubt it's anywhere on youtube.

Rosebeekee - 2010-11-16

Nothing less that 5 stars for mid 90's YTV.

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