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Comment count is 6
Influence Device TIMR - 2011-01-29

so many boring flavours combine at once in my eyes!!!

one star

laurentauren - 2011-01-29

so many AWESOME flavors combine at once in my eyes!!!

five stars

MrBuddy - 2011-02-01

Yes, you're right laurentauren. Still I must bow to peer pressure and give the video I submitted one star. It would be wrong to go against public opinion. Why? Because that's how much I believe in the poeTV rating system.

jreid - 2011-01-29

Shit game, shit artist, beh

Rape Van Winkle - 2011-01-29

Oh for fuck sake.

Deplorable - 2011-01-29

Loses so many stars for not being programmed in-game with redstone.

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