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Comment count is 17
didcotmassif - 2011-02-11

needs autotune tag

The Mothership - 2011-02-11


The Mothership - 2011-02-11

That's some cold shit on the part of his sister, but if I had a brother that stupid I'd probably do the same thing.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-02-11

Nice guys finish last. You have to call at 3 am and say "I'm not going out with you, stinky."

Robin Kestrel - 2011-02-11

He talks like a gutshot Tim Roth.

baleen - 2011-02-11

Puberty stricken. Yes. Voice cracking during girlfriend.

thebaronsdoctor - 2011-02-11

A series of increasingly poor decisions

phalsebob - 2011-02-11

This kid has a future.

Anaxagoras - 2011-02-11

And this fine young man decided to advertise his stupidity on the Internet?

I've said it before, and I've said it again: stupid 13 year old boys enrich our lives.

Jack Sheppard - 2011-02-11

there is a whole generation out there that needs scott's dad but he's just one guy

Bort - 2011-02-12

Good point. Since I'm sure somebody's going to wonder:


La Loco - 2011-02-11


Tameriaen - 2011-02-11

She will indeed be sorry that she messed with MarvMan.

duck&cover - 2011-02-11

His name suits him perfectly.

BorrowedSolution - 2011-02-11

I love his act.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-02-12

This kid is definitely going places.

Nikon - 2011-02-12

Don't show your face and use your real name on youtube. Don't talk about embarrassing shit on youtube. This should be common sense.

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