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Comment count is 18
BorrowedSolution - 2011-04-02

-1 because he stopped talking about the issue and moved towards show-and tell with his book. +4 for how much he loves that god-damn book, and how much he'd like to tell you about it.

Seriously. He might hurt you if you stop listening.

BorrowedSolution - 2011-04-02

and the stars..

badideasinaction - 2011-04-02

See, I took that as a bit of knife-twisting against the Tea Party - he has a precious artifact that should belong to them, and now he's going to use it to show them how wrong they are.

Then again, the Tea Partiers would have closed the window as soon as he said "astroturf", so it's moot.

Sundry - 2011-04-02

I am jealous of his book. It sounds and looks like a pretty amazing book.

simon666 - 2011-04-03

Here's another way to take it: State run Russian news channel tells America its history.

SolRo - 2011-04-03

Good point. Amercians don't like to learn history from american teachers, why would they listen to an american living in DC that does a TV show for a foreign news agency?

Or, you know, he has citable evidence and you're full of shit.

simon666 - 2011-04-03

SolRo, you don't need to act like such a smug fuck all the time. My comment wasn't an opportunity for you to wax authoritatively in order to prove to the poeTV 'community' how slick you are. I mean, fuck, dude. In the past few days: first it's the sling shot machete guy your pissed at, then it's the Duke Nukem thread, now it's my comment. Relax bro.

SolRo - 2011-04-03

I act like this because I love you so much baby.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-02

Apparently all the big names in hate groups started out as something with either an asinine cause or a noble one.

kingarthur - 2011-04-03

He should really be wearing gloves to handle that book.

Ursa_minor - 2011-04-03

It BELONGS in a museum!

baleen - 2011-04-03

I like how he routinely checks to see if his security detail is still there. That thing is probably worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

GravidWithHate - 2011-04-03

One can only imagine how much richer America would have been if they'd followed decent principles of economics and allowed unrestricted free trade, and refrained from interfering in the lawful business activities of enterprising merchants.

Chancho - 2011-04-03

Here's the book:

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-03

Really insightful, interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing this.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-04-03

And then he squeezes the book too hard and it disintegrates in a poof of dust. "Oh..shit."

themilkshark - 2011-04-03

Let history show that the current Tea Party movement revolves entirely around the racist citizens of a nation who do not care for the black President or any of their black countrymen.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-04-03

I sometimes like to listen to his radio show late at night when Coast to Coast AM has skeeved me out a little too much or somebody has wandered off topic to their latest Sasquatch scat find.

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