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Comment count is 7
kamlem - 2011-04-07

So he's admitting he has the rationalising ability of a 13 year old. Makes sense.

chumbucket - 2011-04-07

wtf 7:07?? Bill and his butthurt doesn't get it.

I worked for Ryan's dad and remember how much that whole event sucked That whole story is less about the trolls as it is about how not to be a victim or reaching out to victims.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2011-04-07

Love how proud he is of having seen through such believable acting.

Also "You make my pancakes moist without the butter" is now my new favourite euphemism.

Riskbreaker - 2011-04-07


StanleyPain - 2011-04-07


Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-07

I'm with Bill from the point he says that being lead on and made to look stupid sucks. Then he goes on to say that it was the girl's fault that he killed himself and I disagree but it's common that people would want to take the responsibility off of the "victim" in these cases even though it was his choice. The he makes a leap to calling his troll a murderer and terrorist and I remember I'm watching a TFL video

Jack Dalton - 2011-04-07

Well, that was the insane reaction I expected from Bill. I would advise she not try that with RavenGaigeSmith, who I hope is living life comfortably in a psychiatric ward.

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