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Comment count is 5
freedoom - 2011-05-01

I don't remember this game having music.

Redlof - 2011-05-01

This actually looks pretty fun, but those enemies are bullshit.

jaunch - 2011-05-01

Yeah, what the hell, this game didn't have music at all. Much less all this business. I've played this game recently, actually. Everything was also a lot slower. This looks sped up by 10% - 50%. Maybe the developer released a newer version for XP or something?

Deplorable - 2011-05-02

It says episoide 2, but it looks exactly what I remember the first episode to be (the shareware one, the only one I played)--minus the speed and music.

TheSupafly - 2011-05-01

I remember this glitching up when you shut it off and there would be that annoying echo "m-m-micro man-n-n-n" go off every ten minutes or so after you closed it.

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