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Comment count is 10
Smellvin - 2011-05-10

That seems like an AWFUL lot of effort to make something that'll net you about five cents in profit.

notascientist - 2011-05-10

Welcome to China in the 21st Century.

notascientist - 2011-05-10

Pretty weak proverb: "Once they eggs are sold, you just leave there straight away." Confucious' retarded cousin?

White Trash Party - 2011-05-10

Ahaha for your comment.

Something was obviously lost in translation.

chumbucket - 2011-05-10

"no I just do eyes!"

Big Muddy - 2011-05-15

Oh my god yes you beautiful soul.

jaunch - 2011-05-10

Goddamn, Japanese TV has so much shit on the screen at all times.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-05-10

I think the faces they often have are there to demonstrate what emotional reactions look like to viewers unfamiliar with the concept, without having to use giant teardrops or # symbols appearing at their temples, blood shooting out of their noses, etc.

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-05-11

this is discredited chain mail bullshit.

one star.

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-05-11

like, you would have to be the DUMBEST FUCK to fall for this.

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