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Comment count is 11
hammsangwich - 2011-05-08

I hope the asshole gets the Dahmer treatment in prison.

RomancingTrain - 2011-05-08

He's worse than Hitler(when it comes to drawing things!)

The Townleybomb - 2011-05-08

Ed, don't you wish you were home?

pastorofmuppets - 2011-05-09

sketch to photo to screen to camera to YouTube

they both deserve to be in prison

fulakarp - 2011-05-09

Women who get attached to incarcerated men are sad enough, but this dude is like 80, what kind of future does she really think they will have?

CIWB - 2011-05-09

It's nice to be able to put a face with an awful voice. She's pretty much what I thought she'd look like.

GeneralJameson - 2011-05-09

I always thought that voice belonged to someone that would look like if Dean and Gene had a baby. I wish I had told someone so I could brag about it now. :(

GeneralJameson - 2011-05-09

*Dean and Gene Ween.

chumbucket - 2011-05-09

My god you are so right about that!

Erix - 2011-05-09

That's not a lady, that's Nick Kroll in drag.

spikestoyiu - 2011-05-09

It stinks!

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