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Comment count is 5
fatatty - 2011-06-02


chumbucket - 2011-06-02


kingofthenothing - 2011-06-02

Is it my imagination, or did he pass by some other people who were also making a video? Maybe we'll see the other video and catch Dmitri's cameo appearance.

Xiphias - 2011-06-02

prosrasch nyet voldoshveanya I wanna go get home

Old_Zircon - 2016-06-08

Somehow I missed this.

For the rest of the year when you drove down 95 past the spot where the tornado went through (but didn't touch down) the top 10-15 feet of all the trees were literally twisted around like corkscrews.

We actually had a much smaller tornado touch down near the east end of Broad street in PRovidence that same year and take out two or three large (18" - 24") trees near the high school but it didn't get any press, not even locally. My whole house watched the storm from our front porch across town and there was lightning and wind beyond anything I've ever seen, but where we were it was absolutely calm the entire time.

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