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Comment count is 7
Sundry - 2011-06-17

One of my best friends is like this. We get along because we both accept he is a con man and I don't mind helping him fix some difficulties he had.

deadpan - 2011-06-17

Minus one star because College Humor and it runs on too long but otherwise it nails every single person hired because they 'get' social media.

Toenails - 2011-06-17

I'm not watching something from College Humor. Somebody tell me if this is funny or not and I'll rank the video proportionally to how I feel about them as a person.

Harveyjames - 2011-06-17

I've met these guys.

badideasinaction - 2011-06-18

Our VC paired us up with a company full of guys like this, only they were the puffy vests and fauxhawks types. After discovering their business model, we were pretty sure their prime market would be people interested in laundering money, since their site was based on people possibly ridiculous sums of money for possibly nothing at all. Pre-2000 I'm sure it would have made mad VC money, but in 2006 it folded in less than six months.

wtf japan - 2011-06-18


BHWW - 2011-06-18

I'd almost think it was a documentary. Or should that be "douche-umentary"?

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