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Comment count is 14
RocketBlender - 2011-07-28

The reactions.

Cena_mark - 2011-07-28

This is truly the worst fandom ever, even worse than Sonic's.

RocketBlender - 2011-07-29

I don't know. Once these guys single handedly keep the show going for 10 years after it should have long died and been forgotten, progressively getting worse with each new release, while each time blindly proclaiming that THIS one will be the return to top form the series has been due, THEN you can say they're worse than the Sega furries. Until then....

Nikon - 2011-07-29

This fandom doesn't have Chris-chan.

Cena_mark - 2011-07-31

Actually Chris-Chan liked MLP long before the new series.

Nikon - 2011-08-03

Yeah, well - touche.

spikestoyiu - 2011-07-28

Well, I USED to work at a candy pony semen factory, but then the economy went to shit.

Panzerschlag - 2011-07-28

Bronies really are the new furries.

Kilo147 - 2011-08-02

Technically, there's about a 50-60% chance that any given bronie is a furry. After an image was posted of a "sea-tack" bronie group in GBS, I investigated and found this.


One more reason to burn the Hilton to the ground.

Wander - 2011-07-28

Worse than ThisTroper, because nobody here is being serious.

Xenocide - 2011-07-28

Stars for the Youtube folks who are taking this seriously.

MrBuddy - 2011-07-29

This makes nyan cat seem like the curator tour at a fine arts museum.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-08-02

How did this start, and how can we kill it?

TheInternetisFullofGenitals - 2015-04-15

*sigh* The struggles of being a brony, but really hating this aspect of the fandom.

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