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Comment count is 10
Cheese - 2011-08-25

Multipart doesn't seem to want to work.

Much like Steve Jobs today!

Burnov - 2011-08-25


Cena_mark - 2011-08-25

That last tag doesn't apply to me.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-08-25

You're not a nerd.

You're a brony.

SolRo - 2011-08-25

putting it that way, im glad to be a nerd.

Cena_mark - 2011-08-25

Where do you get this nonsense. I guess I'm a liberal too then?

Syd Midnight - 2011-08-25

My favorite made-for-TV movie. Like Paul Allen's character says, kids oughta learn about this in history class.

Woz has an entire section of his website devoted to answering hundreds of letters he's gotten about this movie, his answer is usually that the details are a little bit off but that's pretty much what happened, and the actors all got their respective personalities dead accurate, even when they're hamming it up like Batman villains.


garcet71283 - 2011-08-25

As someone who is not part of the programmer "club" but seems to always get stuck in with them; I can testify to the "batman-villain" esque behavior...

It also annoys the living hell out of me.

boner - 2011-08-25

"Not without my daughter" for nerds

VoilaIntruder - 2011-08-25

"Are you a virgin?" - Steve Jobs

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