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Comment count is 11
Thirteen - 2011-11-05

I used to watch this.

garcet71283 - 2011-11-06

This is wrestling I could get into.

Also, please don't lump a love of Kaiju together with Weabooism. Godzilla and Ultraman have not, and never will be, weeaboo.

EvilHomer - 2011-11-06

I mean no disrespect with the tag; the guys in Kaiju Big Battel are self proclaimed Waps, hence the tag. I'm also hoping that future generations of poeTV-watching "anime only" weeaboos will stumble upon this video and expand their horizons.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-11-06

I actually have a Dr. Cube pin on my bag. Chicks think it's a Lego man.

EvilHomer - 2011-11-06

The one who recognizes it is the one you'll want to keep.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-11-06

Aww this doesn't deserve the weeaboo tag! This is awesome and not some fat pudgy asshole talking about his onnahole or something.

EvilHomer - 2011-11-06

OK, fine, fine. I'll change it to "good weeaboos"; if anyone has a better suggestion for how to tag a video featuring slathering Japanophiles who happen to be awesome, let me know.

The McK - 2011-11-06


EvilHomer - 2011-11-06

Done. Henceforth let it be known that this is the birth of a new idea: weeayays, the awesome counterparts of weeaboos.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-11-06

Much better!

TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2011-12-10

And, to this day, "weeayays" remains unlinked.

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