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Desc:M.D. Geist fights a goofy robot that's like a cross between a video game boss and a nesting doll.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, None
Tags:Anime, Robot, M. D. Geist, MOST DANGEROUS
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Comment count is 8
Dr. Lobotomy - 2011-12-29

A minute later M.D. Geist fucks the whole planet over by purposefully starting a robot apocalypse just so he could get more stuff to fight.

The sequel is Geist fucking over the people trying to survive the mess he created.

sosage - 2011-12-29

More like M.D. Jerk amirite?

Jeriko-1 - 2011-12-30

I hear in the prequel it explains why he's an asshole.

He ran with a unit of soldiers who were turned into a loose end that had to be tied up. Due to some kind of convoluted loyalty thing he took the fall for offing them. Even though he had nothing much to do with it. This is how he ended up in space.

Since the only men he ever gave a fuck about were dead he decided that should he escape his confinement he would dedicate his life to trolling the entire planet.

freedoom - 2011-12-29

Why is he dressed like a football player?

Sundry - 2011-12-29

It doesn't seem like it took a lot of damage to peel off the first two layers.

garcet71283 - 2011-12-30

Anime would be totally tolerable if it just never stopped being the 90s...

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-01-04

I'll second that. Given that 60s,70s,80s can still be there too.

oddeye - 2014-01-07

Did they ever really explain that twirly arm thing that gives his one arm super-strength?

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